

Messaging and Communication

Practice proactive and responsive governance by staying on top of public sentiment.

Messaging and Communication

Keep residents in the loop with timely, tailored, accessible information. Plus, communicate effectively during challenging flashpoints by keeping tabs on what is top of mind for residents right now.

Messaging and communication with Zencity

Explore & Identify Follow the conversation to see what’s animating your resident at this very moment and requires your attention.
Inform & Gather Communicate to the community and understand the response to your messaging.
Analyze & Strategize Evaluate the feedback, pinpoint takeaways, and submit relevant findings to council and elected officials.
Measure & Assess Determine the effectiveness of your comms strategy and the community’s response to your intervention and messaging.

Start Building Trust Today

Learn how government agencies leverage Zencity to keep their finger on the pulse

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How the Chicago Public Health Department used Zencity Organic to publicize the city’s Narcan distribution program and combat fentanyl overdoses

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How the Town of Abington, MA, used Sentiment Analysis to Develop an Emergency Communications Plan

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How the West Sacramento, CA, Police Department used Zencity to Handle Messaging following an Officer-involved Shooting

kent county

How Kent County, MI, used Zencity to Assess Threat to County Buildings and Plan its Security Strategy Saving over $500K

Ready to get started?
Reach out to our team to schedule a demo.